Excelsior and Minnetonka Chiropractor | Chiropractic Care & Sports Medicine

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What's in a name?! Diagnosis vs. Symptoms

Don’t let the fancy words fool you - a diagnosis is just a collection of symptoms that you’re experiencing.
And the symptoms are just a collection of inputs and outputs from brain to body.

That’s it. Nothing complex about it.

This is where our tagline of ‘find the why - fix the why’ comes into play heavily. Figuring out what the pain or limitation you’re experiencing is easy. Addressing why that’s happening is where things get a little more complex. We need to dive into your story. Potentially, your relationship with pain as well.

Pain is a request for change. Your symptoms that you’re feeling is merely your body or tissues telling your brain that something isn’t moving the way it could or should. It’s up to us to figure out what that means and how to lean into more effective and efficient patterns. Movement is Medicine.

Think about [insert body part here] Tendonitis. The word tendonitis simply means that the tendon is inflamed or irritated. Okay, cool. But WHY is it irritated? Is it structural? Muscular? Neurological? A combination of the three?

Once we can address why things are sending a ‘please fix me’ signal - we can get to work.