Regression / Opportunity for Growth.
My hips are awful. It’s something I’ve been working on a lot lately.
That being said, my external rotation is getting better and I’m almost to the point of being able to do a 90/90 range unassisted with my arms.. almost.
I use my hands, and it’s too easy.
I take my hands off, and I fall.
Insert a lightweight band for assistance.
Your breathing is so much more than just getting oxygen into your system.This lunge mobility is a great example of that.Drop down into the position and you’ll be sure to feel a slight stretch on your lateral “slabs.”But then take a big belly breath. Feel that intensity ramp up?!Your diaphragm draws oxygen into your lungs, sure. But in order to do that, it must displace your viscera. This displacement adds an internal stretch to the tissue.Lots of folks have tried a thousand different YouTube stretches for low back issues - but controlling your breath is often a huge blind spot.
90/90 variations are my go-to for working towards more hip mobility.The examples shown here are a decent place to start for working with the lead leg on external rotation ROM.Clearly this is something I need to keep working on myself! Practice what you preach!
The difference between mobility and flexibility is the power of control you have over that range of motion. Building mobility in your body helps alleviate a plethora of aches and pains we feel on a day-to-day basis.
Oh really. / “i’Ve gOT tIgHT hAMsTriNgS”
I probably hear this 10 times per week.
My first response is always discerning if they’re tight or taut. Is it a defect or defense? Topic for another day.
If they’re truly tight (shortened physiologically) that’s fine! Let’s work on it.
But how? Does any general hamstring stretch work? I don’t know the answer. That’s why variability is awesome.
Shown here is just another variation. I dig it because it’s not passive. You can dig it because it works wonders.
I’ve seen far too many people hunk foam rollers this last week or so to not address the issue.If you’re crying and cursing while trying to relax the tissue (which is our intent) then I think we’re missing the boat.Rather, try this.Scan for a tender spot.Pause on it.Lengthen the tissue.Essentially we’re thinking of pinning that tissue between a rock and a hard place and *neurologically* telling it to chill out.
Rotary needs are apparent across many sports - throwing, kicking, biking, swimming, swinging, running, etc.
If we're lacking Thoracic Mobility, our body will rob the needed range of motion from adjoining joints. This decreases our 'fluency' or efficiency.
You see, all of our powerful movements come from rotation. Similarly, a lot of our aches and pains come from poor anti-rotation.
For me, I FEEL the engagement and mobility much more when loading the system with bands or weights.
Good Vibrations - Marky Mark was onto something here. . Vibration foam rollers have been around for a while now but recently have started to take off in the mainstream. But why? What do they do?