What to Expect During YOUR Chiropractic Appointment?
Going to the doctor’s office is kind of like a first date. Usually there’s long silences, someone is always running a little late, and first impressions drive the rest of the encounter.
Here at Minnesota Movement, we aim to negate all of that. We see all of our clients and patients as family, respect your time, and will always shoot it to you straight.
We think it is VERY important to point out that every visit is YOUR visit. Every visit is catered to you and your specific issues of pain, mobility, performance, etc. whether that is your Initial Exam or any Follow-Up Session.
What happens during the initial chiropractic appointment?
The purpose of our Initial Exam Visit is to figure out WHY you are experiencing pain, decreased performance, loss of mobility, or any other chief complaint. Without tackling the question of “why is this happening?” we aren’t able to accurately TREAT the issue.
That is our ultimate goal with care - to find the most effective and efficient strategy of chiropractic care, rehabilitation exercises, manual muscle therapy, and nutritional/supplement recommendations.
That being said, during your Initial Exam Visit you can expect:
A brief, yet thorough, history of any injuries as well as a history of the complaint.
A Movement Assessment which comprises of going through key mobility and stability tests such as a squat. From this, we can learn where faults in the pattern are and thus derive WHY you are experiencing pain or issues with performance.
A Vertebral and Extraspinal Alignment Assessment to determine which spinal segments as well as other joints might need manipulation in order to move more optimally.
Treatment during the first visit is based off what time allows. Most often we allow 20-30 minutes of treatment such as:
1. Chiropractic Adjustments to segments/joints found in exam
Manual Muscle Therapy
Pin and Stretch
IASTM Tools/Graston/RockBlades
RockTape/Kinesiology Tape
Corrective Exercises or Prehab/Rehab Exercises based off stability/mobility needs
What happens during a follow-up?
During a Follow-Up Session you can expect:
A brief re-assessment of progress compared to your previous appointment. Progress is crucial to our care here, because if we aren’t getting you feeling better we need to change the program!
We always ask if there is anything new/different during a Follow-Up Session.
All of the above treatment (when warranted) is rendered during all Follow-Up Session:
Chiropractic Adjustments to segments/joints found in exam
Manual Muscle Therapy
Pin and Stretch
IASTM Tools/Graston/RockBlades
RockTape/Kinesiology Tape
Corrective Exercises or Prehab/Rehab Exercises based off stability/mobility needs
Follow-Up Sessions can be different amounts of time depending on what we need to cover during your visit. We offer 20 minute sessions, 40 minute sessions, and 60 minute sessions to be used depending on how much time we need to treat, educate, and exercise!
Before any appointment is booked, we are always happy to have a phone consultation to answer any questions you may have to ensure that you are going to get the most out of your session! We would hate not to live up to your expectations!
Questions? Comments?
Call us at 651-447-8898