Posts tagged chiropractic visit
What is Cortisol? A Trendy Influencer Topic or Just Another Hormone?

While cortisol as a whole is often demonized in health and wellness circles, it’s clear that this hormone plays an essential yet complex role in the body. The key is not to eliminate cortisol but to maintain balance. Good news is that we can train for this! Kind of like the classic Goldilocks and the Three Bears story - we don’t want too little and we don’t want too much - we want jusssst the right amount. And we especially want the right amount at the right time! There are tactics we can explore to push the threshold of tolerance higher (or lower) depending on the individual.
Acute stressors—like exercise, goal-setting, and trying something new—can trigger healthy spikes in cortisol that ultimately benefit the body and mind. However, chronic stress, negative emotions, and poor lifestyle habits can lead to prolonged high cortisol levels, which have detrimental effects on health.

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Optimize Your Workday / Standing Desk Ergonomics for Better Posture

In recent years, standing desks have surged in popularity. Touted as a solution to the more sedentary lifestyle that plagues many office workers. As a Sports Chiropractor, we often see the benefits of standing desks in practice and our personal life. However, like any tool, they must be used correctly to reap the full benefits and avoid potential pitfalls. Movement (or postural) variability is key. Standing isn’t necessarily better than sitting.

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Shoulder Tendonitis / Rehabilitation Guide

Shoulder tendonitis is a common condition that affects the tendons of the rotator cuff or biceps. This can become an be a debilitating issue for many individuals whether they’re elite athletes, weekend warriors, or even people just going about their day-to-day being the best mom/dad/spouse/worker they can be!

As Sports Chiropractors here at Minnesota Movement, we play a crucial role in guiding patients through effective rehabilitation to not only just alleviate their pain, but to restore function, and prevent recurrence as well. Our providers use evidence-based strategies and practical corrective exercises for managing shoulder tendonitis, which ensures a tailored and comprehensive approach to patient care.

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Just Start / "Walk Slowly - But Never Backwards"

Remember back in high school or college when you’d have to write a paper for an assignment? Even if it was just 500 words, starting the paper was always the hardest. I’m not alone in that feeling, right?
It’s interesting, because the same issue is often felt with any intimidating or daunting task we need or want to pursue in life.

But when it comes to ACTION, we generally falter after a few good college tries. This is the difference between motion and action.
Motions are strategizing, planning, and learning. And at the end of the day it doesn’t matter how much you do any of those things - they don’t produce results. Action on the other hand is what delivers an outcome.

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Cold Plunge Benefits / Cryotherapy

By now I’m sure you’ve seen your favorite celebrity, an instagram influencer, and even your local gym utilizing a Cold Plunge. But what’s all the hype about? Is it legit? Or is it just a fad like the shake weight? (Was that even a fad?)

Although it’s trendy right now - the idea and use of cold water exposure is pretty old. All the proposed benefits have always been there but only recently are we seeing them being backed up by research. Back in the days of the Romans, the Greeks, and the Vikings of Scandinavian Culture they must have known that taking a dip in freezing cold water had it’s perks. Otherwise who the heck in their right mind would do it again right?

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Protocols vs. Concepts / When to follow the recipe

We all have that one dish that our mom or grandmother has made for years, right? Yet they rarely follow the recipe and yet it always turns out the same - delicious. How does that happen?!

Well, it’s because they understand that the concepts often outweigh the protocols.

The same goes with rehab and treatment. Protocol based care only gets us so far.

What do we do when someone is progressing faster than expected?
What about when someone isn’t progressing fast enough?
Or what do we do when that person is actually falling behind instead of progressing at all?!

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