Posts tagged foot pain
Running Warm-Up / Three Key Exercises to Get Ready!

“Does a Lion warm up before it chases down a Gazelle?!”

No, it doesn’t. But you’re not a Lion. You’re a middle aged corporate worker who just sat on their butt for the last 8-10 hours and now you’re going to do a complete 180 and go be an athlete.

Yeah, it’s a good idea to do a quick, targeted, warm up!

A good running warm up is always important to make sure that your body is primed for the workload you’ll be placing on it. Warm ups aren’t just stretching. They include actively prepping the muscles and tissues that will be worked according to the exercise you’re about to embark upon. For running, this should include exercises which get the feet, knees, glutes, and low back ready.

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Everything you need to know about Barefoot Shoes / Minnemals

Welcome to 2024. Your still kicking butt at your New Year's Resolutions and by now hopefully you've seen enough people wearing or talking about their new-found love of wearing their Barefoot Shoes.

I mean, we all know that one person who is a little out there, right? The one who jumps at all the new trends and doesn't mind telling everyone in their circles or on their social media about it?

Well, wearing barefoot style shoes (or minimalist shoes) isn't just a fad folks. It's the real deal.

But is it for you? What is the purpose of making the switch from your Nike's?

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"I don't believe in Chiropractic.." // Frequently Asked Question (or statement in this case!)

We hear this all the time! And from both sides - those who ‘believe’ and those who don’t!

First of all, Chiropractic isn’t a religion or a faith - it’s not based off of a ‘belief’ system. Rather, the profession is described as a ‘science and an art.’ A form of medicine that is drug free and non-invasive for common musculoskeletal issues like joint pain, headaches, and overall discomfort that everyone experiences at some point in their life.

With that being said I’d rather have you understand Chiropractic compared to "‘believe in it.’

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Virtual Telemedicine Sessions Available!

During these bizarre times we want you to know that WE STILL CARE!

Our goal is (and always will be) serving you guys, our patients, and empowering you to move better, faster, stronger, longer.

What does that even mean? How can a Chiropractor see me virtually?
If you’re an existing patient of ours, you know already that we focus heavily on giving you the tools and movement home work to stay OUT of our office instead of IN it. Isn’t that the point of health care anyways?

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Dumbest Joint in the Body

The knee has one primary job - flex and extend. If it is forced to excessively rotate or laterally bend because of hip or foot dysfunction, that is when we see knee pain.

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Gait Assessment // Not just for Marathoners!

Walking should be one of the easiest things we do.

If we expand that to looking at a running gait - not much should change.

What I mean is that running is literally straight forward. We shouldn’t see your foot, knee, hip, or body sway much left or right. Figuring out why you might sway or compensate is exactly why we do gait assessments! It’s easy to sit there and say “your left foot overpronates in your stance phase” - but why? Why does it do that? Is it the foot’s fault or the hips?

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