Posts in Low Back Pain
Running Warm-Up / Three Key Exercises to Get Ready!

“Does a Lion warm up before it chases down a Gazelle?!”

No, it doesn’t. But you’re not a Lion. You’re a middle aged corporate worker who just sat on their butt for the last 8-10 hours and now you’re going to do a complete 180 and go be an athlete.

Yeah, it’s a good idea to do a quick, targeted, warm up!

A good running warm up is always important to make sure that your body is primed for the workload you’ll be placing on it. Warm ups aren’t just stretching. They include actively prepping the muscles and tissues that will be worked according to the exercise you’re about to embark upon. For running, this should include exercises which get the feet, knees, glutes, and low back ready.

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Identity Crisis / Fear & Vulnerability

None of us are impervious to injury. Not a single one.

Life happens.

For some, it’s because we allowed ourselves to be de-conditioned or on the flip side over-worked something.

For others, it’s an out-of-the-wild-blue-yonder kind of injury. One we didn’t see coming and perhaps couldn’t stop from happening even if we tried.

Regardless of how it came to be - an injury or issue can royally mess with your psyche of identity. Who you are at your core. The social relationships, interactions, and overall lifestyle that are important to you. All of it gets altered and we lose our sense of control.

That’s a scary place.

Smart people in the realm of Pain Science Literature call this the BioPsychoSocial Approach.

Let’s use the case of someone who herniated a lumbar disc for sake of example to explain how this approach can be defined.

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Abdominal Anatomy | It's more than aesthetics!

Most people when they think of abs think of a shredded six-pack as they see on models. But that is only one part of four that make up the Core!
The six-pack that you can see is called the Rectus Abdominis and is the top most layer (superficial) of all the abdominal muscles that make up the Core. We all have a six-pack inside of us, and depending on your diet and exercise habits, will determine if you are able to show them off or not.
Our four layers are the Rectus Abdominis, the External Obliques, the Internal Obliques, and the Transversus Abdominis - each have their own very important role!

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Should I be stretching Dynamically or Statically?!

Dynamic vs Static stretching has been a battle in the sports world for many years. Some say to only do dynamic, some say to only use static, and some say to do a bit of both. And I already know your next question because I have it too, Who the heck are you supposed to listen to? Hopefully, I can shine a bit of light on that today!

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Could an MRI for Low Back Pain actually HURT us more?!

Research has proposed that if an individual with low back pain gets diagnostic imaging (such as MRI) without any explanation of normal vs. abnormal findings FIRST - their perceived outcome of recovery is drastically diminished.

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Gravity / What is Degenerative Disc Disease? What can a chiropractor do about it?

It’s like death and taxes, inevitable facts of life that we can’t avoid.
Research shows that 71% of men and 77% of women <50 years old have Degenerative Disc Disease. Those numbers jump to over 90% for both sexes over the age of 50.
Furthermore; MRI studies have shown that for healthy individuals who don’t have a single symptom of disc issues can indeed have disc bulges, herniations, and decreased disc height. Meaning that these findings are purely incidental and don’t always warrant an immediate intervention.

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