Movement Is Medicine - Dosage and Type


This is YOURS.

Imagine getting a systemic bacterial infection and rifling through your in-laws medicine cabinet for some sort of anti-bacterial medicine. Then proceeding to take 3-4 of the capsules.

Stupid right? Yes. Very stupid. And also very illegal.

The same goes for movement - or “Corrective Exercises” / Rehabilitation Protocols.

Are there great exercises out there on YouTube or WebMD or WebEx? YES!

Of course there are. Heck, even we have a YouTube channel with tons of exercises on it! And look at what you’re doing now, you’re reading a blog that a trusted health care provider is writing! Still doesn’t mean that it’s the right information for you.

But are these exercises that you find via a quick Google Search of “Shoulder Pain Stretches” the right fit for you? Maybe? Maybe not?

Much like a prescriptive medicine, we need to assess what your needs are as far as dosage, duration, and type.

That’s where a trusted movement specialist steps in like Dr. Reid and Dr. Claire. Our Chiropractors here at Minnesota Movement are experienced in discerning exactly what you need. Specific to what you’re experiencing and where you want to go with your goals.

Movement Is Medicine.