HalloWEEK in Beautiful Excelsior Minnesota!

It’s that spooooooky time of year again!

Make sure to carve out some time for taking care of yourself and go see your favorite Sports Chiropractor!

Minnesota Movement is happy to be a part of the Excelsior Chamber of Commerce’s HalloWEEK Scavenger Hunt but even more so - we’re happy to give away an awesome deal!

Follow the link here to enter to win over $100 worth of gear/supplements/tools as well as 20% off your next session with Dr. Reid Nelles or Dr. Claire Jessen!


With fall apparently already in our rear-view mirror and winter already upon us, it’s an important reminder to stay active even as the colder weather hits us. A few quick ideas to keep moving are..

  1. Set a timer on your phone to get up every hour and do 5-10 squats or lunges. You’d be surprised how many this will add up to every day for a week!

  2. While the coffee is brewing in the morning, take a few minutes to breathe through your diaphragm and deep core consciously.

  3. It’s still nice enough for a walk! Even if that means in your living room. Get up and walk/march/skip - it’s a fun activity to include the kids too!

  4. If you have to shovel that beloved snow.. remember to take mini breaks and make it a fun workout. Try to work as hard as you can for 1 minute and then take 2 minutes off as ‘rest.’ Rinse and repeat for time!

We hope you’re enjoying this Autumn season we’ve been having, and if there’s anything we can do to help you move better - without pain or limitations - feel free to reach out!