Chiropractic Care for Athletes - How does it differ and what does a Sports Chiropractor do?

We must start with the disclaimer that we believe everyone is an athlete. If you have a body, you’re an athlete. Whether that means you’re a weekend warrior pounding 7 miles on the pavement, beating your buddies in a round of golf over a couple beers, or even just crawling around on the floor with your little one - all of those activities require good athletic motion.

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Changing the way you get Chiropractic Care

What sets Minnesota Movement Apart? What makes our Chiropractic Clinic different than any others in the area? Read this article and find out for yourself! After all, you have some responsibility in this game called life too!

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We're Moving!

We’re Moving! Not just figuratively.. but literally too! We realized that we need more space to allow YOU to move as well!
Starting April 1st you can find us at:
261 School Ave Suite #100
Excelsior, MN 55331

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Jump start your New Years Resolutions by starting NOW!

Why wait until January to make your health a priority? Local Gyms are FLOODED with new members in January and you’ll be inundated with the latest ‘Fad Diet’ for sure. Make a HABIT change today by consciously deciding to change one item of the Habit Loop.

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What does a Chiropractor do?

Dentists work on your mouth and teeth.
Neurologists fix nerve problems.
Dermatologists help with skin issues.
Cardiologists spot and correct ailments of the heart and blood system.
Oncologists are on a mission to find the cure or at least alleviate issues related to those with cancer.
So what does a chiropractor do?

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