Use of Resistance Bands for Workouts and Rehab

Resistance Bands are a great tool not only clinically, but for your at-home use as well!

When you come into our office, you will see some bands hanging up on the walls and, if your system’s needs calls for them, you will be using them quite a bit. So let’s get acquainted with the benefits of bands.

  1. Bands offer the ability to be Multi-Planar with movement

  2. They allow for more constant resistance/tension

  3. This resistance/tension is variable throughout the motion

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What's in a name?! Diagnosis vs. Symptoms

Don’t let the fancy words fool you - a diagnosis is just a collection of symptoms that you’re experiencing.
And the symptoms are just a collection of inputs and outputs from brain to body.
That’s it. Nothing complex about it.
This is where our tagline of ‘find the why - fix the why’ comes into play heavily. Figuring out what the pain or limitation you’re experiencing is easy. Addressing why that’s happening is where things get a little more complex. We need to dive into your story. Potentially, your relationship with pain as well.

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My Role as Your Chiropractor

Don’t Chiropractors just crack your back?!
There’s so much more to it than that.
The way I see it, my main focus as a chiropractor is to get you feeling better. Bottom line. If I at least do that, I am doing my job.
This means going beyond the simple adjustments. It means working the muscles, ligaments, blood flow, motor control and corrective exercise individually designed to get you to your specific goals.

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Manifestation / Can a Negative Mental State Add to Our Issues?

“We’re doing this exercise to limit your risk of injury.”
I’ve caught myself saying this before, but I try to avoid it like the plague.
Why would we even put this negative thought remotely close to a patient’s attention while we’re working on getting them away from it?!

Providers of any discipline commonly think people get structurally or mechanically injured but forget that there’s a human attached to the bag of meat we’re working with.
This human has a deepened relationship with this injury. Maybe they’ve missed time on the field. Maybe they’ve been lacking their usual social connections with teammates because they’re stuck in rehab.

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Hip Pain keeping you from playing/living/moving?!

Ever pulled your groin so badly it hurt to walk? Have hip tightness that makes it difficult to do the things you love?

Adductor strains occur mainly due to cutting and pivoting movements in sports like hockey and football. Many people think that the strain or pull comes from lacking flexibility, but it is heavily due to the opposite! Strength (or lack thereof) is often the issue!

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We Are ALL Athletes!

What is an athlete? This may be an easy question for some people to answer. It could mean somebody who plays sports. It could be someone who excels at a certain sport or is great at multiple different sports. For me, it is a bit of a loaded question. I personally define an athlete as a person who has risen to the top of their respective field. And that field could be their sport, profession, or hobby.

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