"I don't believe in Chiropractic.." // Frequently Asked Question (or statement in this case!)

We hear this all the time! And from both sides - those who ‘believe’ and those who don’t!

First of all, Chiropractic isn’t a religion or a faith - it’s not based off of a ‘belief’ system. Rather, the profession is described as a ‘science and an art.’ A form of medicine that is drug free and non-invasive for common musculoskeletal issues like joint pain, headaches, and overall discomfort that everyone experiences at some point in their life.

With that being said I’d rather have you understand Chiropractic compared to "‘believe in it.’

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HalloWEEK in Beautiful Excelsior Minnesota!

With fall apparently already in our rear-view mirror and winter already upon us, it’s an important reminder to stay active even as the colder weather hits us. A few quick ideas to keep moving are..

  1. Set a timer on your phone to get up every hour and do 5-10 squats or lunges. You’d be surprised how many this will add up to every day for a week!

  2. While the coffee is brewing in the morning, take a few minutes to breathe through your diaphragm and deep core consciously.

  3. It’s still nice enough for a walk! Even if that means in your living room. Get up and walk/march/skip - it’s a fun activity to include the kids too!

  4. If you have to shovel that beloved snow.. remember to take mini breaks and make it a fun workout. Try to work as hard as you can for 1 minute and then take 2 minutes off as ‘rest.’ Rinse and repeat for time!

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Your Time is Valuable - How investing more time on your health actually SAVES you time

Invest your time wisely. Prioritize your health. I’d rather see you for a longer duration of time once a week or once every couple weeks compared to 5 minute visits three times per week.End result? You get better. Fast. Oh, and you save time driving to and from the clinic! More time to enjoy your life!

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Are Chiropractors Real Doctors?! // Frequently Asked Questions

“Are you a real doctor?” It’s a question we see ALL THE TIME. And honestly, it doesn’t offend us! Rather, it shows us how much (or little) the world really knows about who chiropractors are and what we can do!

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What Moves You? // What is Minnesota Movement? What do we do?

We firmly believe, and it has been shown through research, that movement can be a form of medicine, that’s why the word is part of our company name.

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Virtual Telemedicine Sessions Available!

During these bizarre times we want you to know that WE STILL CARE!

Our goal is (and always will be) serving you guys, our patients, and empowering you to move better, faster, stronger, longer.

What does that even mean? How can a Chiropractor see me virtually?
If you’re an existing patient of ours, you know already that we focus heavily on giving you the tools and movement home work to stay OUT of our office instead of IN it. Isn’t that the point of health care anyways?

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